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When a child is referred, they require an assessment to provide a baseline of their current skills and to identify goals for intervention.

We use a range of standardised and non-standardised assessments, informal observations and discussion with parents (and school or preschool if necessary). The selection of assessment tools is bespoke to reason for referral and the child's ability to follow standardised instructions.



A Functional Capacity Assessment is a necessary tool for determining a participant’s support needs under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The assessment involves a more thorough assessment of all areas of the child’s life and will often involve seeing children in different environments over a number of dates to assess their capabilities and barriers.

The Functional Capacity Assessment evaluates a child’s physical abilities, cognitive function, communication skills, and social participation, and then provides a detailed FCA report to ensure NDIS funding is allocated appropriately.

The FCA is needed to advocate for changes in a child’s needs, home life, services required or funding needs.

The OT will then write SMART goals in collaboration with the family and child to guide intervention.



The assessment will run for approximately 1-1 ½ hours, and will include standardised and non- standardised assessments, play based observations, informal interview with caregivers, sensory and fine/ gross motor observations.

This assessment is more appropriate for identifying OT needs when funding has already been approved.

The OT will then write SMART goals in collaboration with the family and child to guide intervention.

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